Programs for Seniors

From Pickle Ball to Dancing, we offer many recreation, social, sport and leisure options for Older Adults and Seniors.  Staying active, and living the best life you can into retirement are key to leading a well balanced life-style.

for programs, please see the Town of Wasaga Beach Recreation Guide.

The Town of Wasaga Beach Senior Active Living Centre is a drop in facility offering a community information hub, free recreation and leisure programs, volunteer opportunities for all ages, sports programming, games, music, cooking classes, community connections and social support for all ages.

The Senior Active Living Centre provides a safe, supervised place for Seniors and Older adults to, make new friends, find caring volunteers and peer mentors, and participate in a variety of programs and events all at no or minimal cost to participants.

Mon-Fri 9 am - 3 pm

Seniors Active Living Calendar ImageCalendar

 See 211 for further assistance

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