Inspections are required during the construction of your project to ensure that all work is done in compliance with the reviewed permit plans and the Building Code. Inspection stages are outlined in a summary document called ‘Notice From The Building Department’ provided to you at the time the permit is issued.
It is the responsibility of the property owner to ensure that they or their contractor contact the Town to request an inspection at the readiness for an inspection or upon the substantial completion of a stage of construction as set out in the Ontario Building Code (see below). Please call the Building Department at (705) 429-1120 to request an inspection.
Construction Inspection Stages
Note: Inspectors may require additional inspections. If an inspection is found to be incomplete/fail a re-inspection fee of $84.00 may be charged. A lot grading inspection may require more than 48 hours notice. For non-residential construction, additional inspections will be required.
It is the responsibility of the owner for ensuring that required inspections are scheduled and completed prior to covering or continuing construction beyond certain stages. Please request your inspection through the online Portal or by completing the Building Inspection Request Form. Inspections can also be booked by calling the Building Department at (705) 429-1120 Ext. 2261 and leave a telephone message identifying;
- your name
- phone number
- project address
- permit number
- inspection required
Although specific timed appointments cannot be booked, the Building Inspectors will attempt to accommodate you. Inspections booked prior to the close of the business day can usually be scheduled for the following business day.
During times of peak inspection activity, advance notice of up to 48 hours may be necessary.
To cancel a scheduled inspection, avoid incurring additional costs by contacting the Building Department as soon as possible.
Other Inspections Required
Inspections depend on the nature of the work completed.
Town wide approval and inspection of septic systems are undertaken by the Building Inspector.
The review of applications, issuance of septic permit and the inspection of the installation are co-ordinated by the Building Department.
For systems with a capacity of more than 10,000L/Day, review of applications, issuance of septic permits and inspections are co-ordinated by the Ministry of Environment.
Once a building has been constructed and occupied, there are a number of by-law provisions regulating the use and occupancy of buildings that may require an inspection. The following inspections fall under the authority of the Town of Wasaga Beach By-law Department.
- Zoning enforcement
- Business Licenses
- Maintenance and upkeep of existing buildings including rental properties (Property Standards)